With Google Reader Disappearing how will you Follow MomsMakeupStash?

Google announced earlier this week that they are getting rid of Google Reader, effective July 1, 2013. I think that this might also mean that the Google Friend Connect (GFC) feature will also disappear? What does all this mean?

If you currently follow MomsMakeupStash through GFC/Reader, and want to make sure you don’t miss out on any future posts, you will have to make sure that you subscribe to the site some other way. (i.e. RSS feed, BlogLovin, HelloCotton, Feedly, Email, etc) You can also stay updated with me by following on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest (just click on the links in the Banner at the top of this page) but the easiest way to stay connected to ALL your favourite sites is by using a reader of some kind. To migrate from Google Reader to BlogLovin or Feedly is super simple. All you have to do is allow them access and they do the transfer for you. I’ve already migrated all my favourite blogs and encourage you all to do the same. 

I wouldn’t want to lose any of my loyal readers (I do this for you guys!) and it would really mean the world to me if you prepared for the transition by subscribing to the site some other way, to make sure we all stay connected. If you already follow MomsMakeupStash using another method, I’d love to hear which one you use (just leave a comment below).