Review: Clarins Instant Eye Makeup Remover for Waterproof & Heavy Makeup

The only time I ever wear waterproof mascara is when I know I'll be swimming or spending a lot of time outdoors in the heat. As for "hard to remove" eyeliners and other heavy makeup, I usually reserve both for special occasions (i.e. weddings, photo shoots, Halloween) . As most of you know I have ...

Limited Time Only: NIVEA Soft Moisturizing Cream Gets a Stylish Makeover

Nivea is one of my favourite brands for skincare, lip balms and bath products. I remember my mom using the cream ever since I was a toddler. (She still uses it today, her skin looks great and she's 74 years old!)  Nivea recently partnered with world-renowned British fashion designer Giles Deacon to create exclusive packaging ...

Review: Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Treatment Masks

In 2012 I discovered "facial sheet masks" care masks from Asia that are mess-free and chalk full of skin benefits. The brand I started with and still love today is My Beauty Diary (I especially love the Black Pearl & Red Wine varieties) but MBD are only available online or at specialty Oriental stores. I've also ...

Lancôme DreamTone Customized Pigmentation Correctors – Ultimate Dark Spot Correctors

It usually takes me awhile to fully review a skincare product but this month, when I received a few samples of Lancôme's new customized pigmentation correctors I just couldn't wait to share my first impressions with you. Designed to create perfect, flawless skin, the DreamTone Ultimate Dark Spot Correctors are Lancôme's newest skincare formulation. Available in three formulas, DreamTone combats ...

mark Coconut Treat Bath and Body Collection: Whipped Body Butter & Three’s a Charm 3-in-1 Body Cleanser

Sitting by the ocean, sipping on "Coco Loco's" all week is reminding me of a coconut bath & body collection I recently tried back home. The well known tropical drink here in the DR is a blend of coconut cream, ice and local rum and although it's completely delicious, the probability of me returning home ...