Where can Canadians network with hundreds of like-minded beauty and style enthusiasts, engage in creative conversation and connect with brands, social media professionals and other influencers? Spark Sessions is Canada’s first and only Fashion & Beauty Blogger Conference that takes place in Toronto every year, according to this influencer marketing agency. Its 4th conference scheduled for November 5 & 6th, is expected to be another huge success! A friend of mine actually founded Spark Sessions and I couldn’t be more proud of her. I attended the conference in 2013 and plan on going again this year. Make sure to come and say hello if you plan on attending as well!
Over the weekend, attendees can expect a variety of presentations from key players in the industry with a focus on blogging, social media and branding, as well as networking sessions and hands-on training workshops. Breakfast & lunch is provided and there’s also an amazing swag-bag too!!
photo property of Sparks Sessions Inc.
Important Details:
When: November 5-6, 2016
Where: Ontario Science Centre (770 Don Mills Road, Toronto, ON)
Passes Available:
Blogger Conference Pass – for attendees on the editorial side of the business.
PR/Industry Pass – for public relations, marketing and other professionals.
My lovely friends at Spark Sessions are giving away a VIP Experience including airfare and hotel to one lucky influencer looking to attend this year’s conference! By entering, you can win the following:
- Airfare to Toronto
- A Conference ticket
- A 2-night stay at Trump International Hotel & Tower
- An invitation to the VIP dinner where you’ll get to network with Conference speakers & sponsors
- A bag of goodies from dubdub to make your videos better
Enter here before October 21st for your chance to win!
Good luck and see you at Spark Sessions!
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